#YOLO Programming

New features of C# 7.0 - Part 2 - Deconstruction

In my last blog post I discussed Tuple Types and how, in my opinion, they make scenario's such as returning multiple values from a method a lot easier than some of the previous alternatives.

In this post I'd like to introduce you to another new feature of C# 7.0 that goes hand in hand with Tuples, Deconstruction.


Deconstruction is a way of breaking up a multifactor value into it's parts. In other words, it's a way of splitting a type into individual variables representing the values within the type. Reading both of these sentences is sort of giving me a bit of a headache so maybe it's best if I just give you an example.

Prior to the addition of deconstruction and borrowing from my last blog post, you might find yourself writing code like this:

public static (int, string) GetUser()
    return (age: 35, name: "Joe");
var user = GetUser();
var age = user.age;
var name = user.name;

Using a new feature known as deconstruction declaration this same code would be written like this:

public static (int age, string name) GetUser()
    return (35, "Joe");
(int age, string name) = GetUser();

This can also be rewritten to look like this:

public static (int, string) GetUser()
    return (age: 35, name: "Joe");
var (age, name) = GetUser();

Using another new feature known as deconstruction assignment you can deconstruct a tuple assigning it's factors to existing variables.

public static (int, string) GetUser()
    return (age: 35, name: "Joe");
int age;
string name;
(age, name) = GetUser();

You may have noticed that above I had said you could split a type into it's parts. The language designers have also hooked us up with the ability to use deconstruct a type. In order to accomplish this, the type need only declare a instance or extension method named deconstruct taking the following form:

class User
    public int Age { get; }
    public string Name { get; }

    public User(int age, string name)
        Age = age;
        Name = name;

    public void Deconstruct(out int age, out string name)
        age = Age;
        name = Name;

    public static User GetUser()
        return new User(35, "Joe");

var (age, name) = User.GetUser();


While I can't think of a scenario that's begging for this feature, in my opinion, deconstruction is a nice corollary to Tuples. The syntax is succinct which keeps inline with the code simplification goal of the language designers.

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